2017 KENWORTH T370 ICE CREAM TRUCK VN:2NKHHJ7X7HM177694 powered by Paccar PX-7 diesel engine, 200hp, equipped with Eaton Fuller FS5406A automatic transmission, a/c, power steering, Johnson 22ft. extra insulated ice cream body, Thermoking reefer, 166in. wheelbase, dual wheel single axle, 135,000 miles.
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1994 ISUZU ICE CREAM TRUCK VN:JALC4T1K5R7001344 powered by diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, ice cream truck body, dual wheel single axle.
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2017 KENWORTH T370 ICE CREAM TRUCK VN:2NKHHJ7X9HM177700 powered by Paccar PX-8 diesel engine, equipped with Allison 6 speed automatic transmission, power steering, Johnson 19ft. 3in. -20 degree Ice Cream body, Thermo-king T-1080R refer unit, air ride, dual wheel single axle.
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2016 KENWORTH T370 ICE CREAM TRUCK VN:2NKHHJ7X5GM495313 powered by Paccar PX-9 diesel engine, equipped with Allison 6 speed automatic transmission, power steering, Johnson 19ft. 3in. -20 degree Ice Cream body, Carrier Supra 960 refer unit, air ride, dual wheel single axle.
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2012 KENWORTH T370 ICE CREAM TRUCK VN:2NKHHN7X8CM333290 powered by Paccar PX-8 diesel engine, equipped with Fuller 6 speed transmission, power steering, Johnson 19ft. 3in. -20 degree Ice Cream body, Thermo-king T-1080R refer unit, air ride, dual wheel single axle.
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2005 KENWORTH T300 ICE CREAM TRUCK VN:104109 powered by Cat C7 diesel engine, equipped with Eaton 6 speed transmission, power steering, Carrier Reefer unit, 14ft. Ice cream body, dual wheel single axle. Does not Run. (Motor is Dragging). Located: 1902 County Route 57. Fulton N.Y. 13069.
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2005 KENWORTH T300 ICE CREAM TRUCK VN:104109 powered by Cat C7 diesel engine, equipped with Eaton 6 speed transmission, power steering, Carrier Reefer unit, 14ft. Ice cream body, dual wheel single axle. Does not Run. (Motor is Dragging). Located: 1793 Chestnut Ridge Rd Chittenango, N.Y. 13037.
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