2003 TOWMASTER DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:4KNFZ20243L161085 equipped with 35ft. Drop deck, tandem axle.
2012 TRAILEZE TE80HTDD DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:20615 equipped with 40 ton capacity, tandem axle.
Continue reading1998 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012086 equipped
1998 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012086 equipped with 35 ton capacity, 48ft. Long, fixed neck, 18in. Deck, 275R22.5 tires, tandem axle.
Continue reading1999 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012124 equipped
1999 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012124 equipped with 35 ton capacity, 48ft. Long, fixed neck, 18in. Deck, 275R22.5 tires, tandem axle.
Continue reading2006 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012221 equipped
2006 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012221 equipped with 35 ton capacity, 48ft. Long, fixed neck, 18in. Deck, 275R22.5 tires, tandem axle.
Continue readingTRAIL-EZE DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:631179 equipped with
TRAIL-EZE DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:631179 equipped with 42ft. Length, 82,000 GVWR, 21ft. Well, outriggers, 9ft. 6in. Top deck, rear beavertail, air ride suspension, 245/70R17.5 tires, spread axle, tandem axle.
Continue readingDOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER (2007) Manac Dropdeck 48′
DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER (2007) Manac Dropdeck 48′ 4 essieux/axles, air lift, auto vireur/self steering axle . (Pick up location/ ramassage au : 268 ch. de l’Anse, Rigaud, Qc, J0P 1P0) ( Inspection m�canique �chue/ Annual inspection non valid)
Continue readingFONTAINE WDDFT-5-7048AW DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:553974 equipped with
FONTAINE WDDFT-5-7048AW DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:553974 equipped with 35 ton capacity, double drop, 10ft top deck, 29ft bottom deck, 9ft back deck, 102in wide, air ride suspension, 275/70R22.5 tires, tandem axle.
Continue reading2006 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012221 equipped
2006 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012221 equipped with 35 ton capacity, 48ft. Long, fixed neck, 18in. Deck, 275R22.5 tires, tandem axle.
Continue reading1992 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012616 equipped
1992 NELSON DOUBLE DROP DECK TRAILER VN:012616 equipped with 35 ton capacity, 48ft. Long, fixed neck, 18in. Deck, 275R22.5 tires, tandem axle.
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