2007 CRANE CARRIER GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1CYCCK4807T048279 powered by

2007 CRANE CARRIER GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1CYCCK4807T048279 powered by Cummins ISC diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, dual operator positions, Heil 28CY Durapac 7000 body, side arm loader, 315/80R22.5 front tires, 11R22.5 rear tires, tandem axle, 14,022 hours miles. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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2007 CRANE CARRIER GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1CYCCK4807T048282 powered by

2007 CRANE CARRIER GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1CYCCK4807T048282 powered by Cummins ISC diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, dual operator positions, Heil 28CY Durapac 7000 body, side arm loader, 315/80R22.5 tires, tandem axle, 132,980 miles. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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2008 CRANE CARRIER GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1CYCCK48X8T048713 2008 powered

2008 CRANE CARRIER GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1CYCCK48X8T048713 2008 powered by Cummins ISC diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, dual operator positions, Heil 28CY Durapac 7000 body, side arm loader, 315/80R22.5 front tires, 11R22.5 rear tires, tandem axle, 61,569 miles. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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2003 AUTOCAR WX GARBAGE TRUCK VN:5VCDC6UE93N194765 powered by

2003 AUTOCAR WX GARBAGE TRUCK VN:5VCDC6UE93N194765 powered by Cummins ISM diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, Heil 26CY split body, sidearm loader, 20,000lb fronts, 40,000lb rears, 11R22.5 tires, 101,474 miles. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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2008 AUTOCAR WX GARBAGE TRUCK VN:5VCDC6JF58H207269, powered by

2008 AUTOCAR WX GARBAGE TRUCK VN:5VCDC6JF58H207269, powered by Cummins ISL diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, Heil 30CY split body, sidearm loader, 20,000lb fronts, 40,000lb rears, 315/80R22.5 front tires, 11R22.5 rear tires, tandem axle, 81,269 miles. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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2007 MACK LEU613 GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1M2AC07C07M012045 powered by

2007 MACK LEU613 GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1M2AC07C07M012045 powered by Mack E7 diesel engine, equipped with Allison automatic transmission, power steering, dual operator positions, split body, twin cart tippers, 44,000lb rears, 11R22.5 front tires, 385/85R20 rear tires, tandem axle, 140,303 miles. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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2007 MACK LEU613 GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1M2AC07CX7M012070 powered by

2007 MACK LEU613 GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1M2AC07CX7M012070 powered by Mack E7 diesel engine, equipped with Allison automatic transmission, power steering, dual operator positions, Heil 25CY split body, twin cart tippers, 44,000lb rears, 11R22.5 tires, tandem axle, 103,400 miles. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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2007 MACK LEU613 GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1M2AC07C67M012051 powered by

2007 MACK LEU613 GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1M2AC07C67M012051 powered by Mack E7 diesel engine, equipped with Allison automatic transmission, power steering, dual operator positions, Heil 25CY split body, twin cart tippers, 44,000lb rears, 11R22.5 tires, tandem axle. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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2007 MACK LEU613 GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1M2AC07C07M012725 powered by

2007 MACK LEU613 GARBAGE TRUCK VN:1M2AC07C07M012725 powered by Mack E7 diesel engine, equipped with Allison automatic transmission, power steering, dual operator positions, split body, twin cart tippers, 44,000lb rears, I5511R22.5 tires, tandem axle, 8,471 miles. Buyer can not operate truck within 100 miles of Albany, due to prior agreement.

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