1996 FORD F SERIES SANDER TRUCK VN:A15538 powered by Cummins 5.9L transmission, equipped with Allison automatic transmission, power steering, 8 yard sander body, central hydraulics, front plow frame, dual wheel single axle.
Continue reading1993 GMC TOPKICK V-502178 powered by Cat 3126 diesel
1993 GMC TOPKICK V-502178 powered by Cat 3126 diesel engine, equipped with Allison automatic transmission, power steering, 6 yard sander, sander controls, 11ft. Power angle snow plow, dual wheel single axle.
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1996 INTERNATIONAL 4700 VIN-357201 powered by DT466E diesel engine, equipped with 7 speed transmission, power steering, 12 yard sander, sander controls, 11ft. Power angle snow plow, dual wheel single axle.
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1992 KENWORTH T600 SALT TRUCK VN:577062 powered by Cat 3306 diesel engine, equipped with Eaton Fuller 10 speed transmission, Smith Spreaders SSV16CHC stainless steel spreader, SN 13018, air ride suspension, 11R24.5 tires, tandem axle, 187,134 miles.
Continue reading1973 MACK DM SALT TRUCK VN:S15907 powered by
1973 MACK DM SALT TRUCK VN:S15907 powered by Mack diesel engine, 300hp, Maxitorque 10 speed transmission, camelback spring suspension, 425/65R22.5 front tires, 11R22.5 rear tires, tandem axle.
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1986 OSHKOSH P2530SP SANDER TRUCK VN:29230 powered by Cummins 350 diesel engine, equipped with power steering, 2009 HighwayE2020-12 stainless sander, SN 125539, set up for plow and wing plow, 445/65R22.5 front tires, 12R24.5 rear tires, dual wheel single axle.
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2001 MACK MR688S SANDER TRUCK VN:16859 powered by Mack 6 cylinder diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, DCF, 18ft. sander body , cailcium chloride tanks, Compu-Spread controls, 11ft. power angle snow plow, cast spoke wheels, 315/80R22.5 front tires, 12.00R20 rear tires, tandem axle.
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1986 OSHKOSH P2530SP SANDER TRUCK VN:29230 powered by Cummins 350 diesel engine, equipped with power steering, 2009 HighwayE2020-12 stainless sander, SN 125539, set up for plow and wing plow, 445/65R22.5 front tires, 12R24.5 rear tires, dual wheel single axle.
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1986 OSHKOSH P2530SP SANDER TRUCK VN:29230 powered by Cummins 350 diesel engine, equipped with power steering, 2009 HighwayE2020-12 stainless sander, SN 125539, set up for plow and wing plow, 445/65R22.5 front tires, 12R24.5 rear tires, dual wheel single axle.
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