2023 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK VN:2NKHLJ9X6LM229501 powered by Paccar PX-9 diesel engine, 300hp, equipped with Allison automatic transmission, power steering, United 4,000 gallon water tank, front, rear and side spray heads, Chalmers suspension, 315/80R22.5 front tires, 11R22.5 rear tires, tandem axle, 39,550 miles, 2,378 hours.
Continue reading2023 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK powered by Paccar PX-9 diesel
2023 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK powered by Paccar PX-9 diesel engine, 300hp, equipped with Allison automatic transmission, power steering, United 4,000 gallon water tank, front, rear and side spray heads, Chalmers suspension, 315/80R22.5 front tires, 11R22.5 rear tires, tandem axle.
Continue reading2019 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK VN:2NKHLJ9X0KM252254 powered by
2019 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK VN:2NKHLJ9X0KM252254 powered by diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, 4,000 gallon water tank, tandem axle.
Continue reading2019 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK VN:2KKHLJ9X6KM252257 powered by
2019 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK VN:2KKHLJ9X6KM252257 powered by diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, 4,000 gallon water tank, tandem axle.
Continue reading2018 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK VN:2NKHLJ9X2KM252255 powered by
2018 KENWORTH T370 WATER TRUCK VN:2NKHLJ9X2KM252255 powered by diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, 4,000 gallon water tank, tandem axle.
Continue reading2000 PETERBILT 330 WATER TRUCK SN:513366 powered by
2000 PETERBILT 330 WATER TRUCK SN:513366 powered by Cat 3126B diesel engine, equipped with Fuller RT8709B transmission, 3,500 gallon custom water tank, top load, curbside load, front, side, and rear spray heads, secondary water pump, manifold to supply concrete saws, self contained pressure washer, air ride suspension, 3.70 ratio, 22.5 tires, tandem axle.
Continue reading2018 FORD F750XL WATER TRUCK VN:1FDXF7DCXJDF05253 powered by
2018 FORD F750XL WATER TRUCK VN:1FDXF7DCXJDF05253 powered by 6.7L diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power windows and locks, air brakes, Curry 2,000 gallon water tank, front, side and rear spray heads, rear hose reel, 11R22.5 tires, dual wheel single axle, 2,502 miles.
Continue reading2020 INTERNATIONAL MV607 WATER TRUCK VN:3HAEUMMN9LL138680 powered by
2020 INTERNATIONAL MV607 WATER TRUCK VN:3HAEUMMN9LL138680 powered by diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, 2,000 gallon water tank, dual wheel single axle.
Continue reading2019 FREIGHTLINER M2 WATER TRUCK VN:1FVACXFC4KHKG9029 powered by
2019 FREIGHTLINER M2 WATER TRUCK VN:1FVACXFC4KHKG9029 powered by Cummins diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, a/c, PTO, Ledwell 2000 water tank, 2 front spray heads, 2-rear spray heads, 1-side spray head, dual wheel single axle, 10,208 miles.
Continue reading2019 FREIGHTLINER M2 WATER TRUCK VN:1FVACXFC5KHKG9041 powered by
2019 FREIGHTLINER M2 WATER TRUCK VN:1FVACXFC5KHKG9041 powered by Cummins diesel engine, equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, a/c, PTO, Ledwell 2000 water tank, 2 front spray heads, 2-rear spray heads, 1-side spray head, dual wheel single axle, 8,055 miles.
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